Thursday, May 25, 2006

Shared Secrets

Over the past several months, I've check PostSecret on a weekly basis. Such insightful stuff there. Painful and quasi-depressing from time to time. But so refreshingly gritty and real. I only wish there were an archive of some sort to peruse.

Anyhow, over the past couple of months I've collected (read stolen) several submitted secrets from their blog. These entries lept out at me when I saw them. Someday I'll get around to submitting some original entries I've had on my mind for a while. If they get posted, I may just have to brag about it.

But for now, enjoy these secrets that I share with others.

"Secrets? Ooh... I wanna see!"


When I saw this posted on PostSecret, I realized how easy (yet unsatisfying) it is to try to substitute entertainment for the risky, unpausable, unpredictable nature of real life and relationship. An earlier PostSecret entry put it another way:

"I cried for Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episode III ... but not for the tsunami victims."



If I were to have submitted this next entry for myself, it would have been ammended slightly. I would have written:


These next two are pretty self explanatory if you've been reading my blog for any length of time.


This last one made me cry the first time I read it. When I am depressed I feel so damn alone. There have only been a handful of occasions when somebody I know recognizes my depression and takes the time to see how I'm doing. When it has happened, its made me feel so loved and cared for.

I am so thankful for my wife who has struggled alongside with me through my depression over the years. She is such an amazing friend to me.

The text says: "Sometimes I wonder if my friends can really be friends if they can't recognize my depression."



Blogger Miroslav said...


Look at you. The only one bold enough to make an entry on this post. You rock.

Yes, the whole secret thing is a real pisser. Wouldn't life (read: dinner parties, church, time with family, etc) be so much more rich and exciting if we just spoke what is REALLY going on in our minds and hearts? Enough with the How-are-you-?-Good-and-you-?-s ... I absolutely hate those.

But the real question: Can the masses handle the truth?

Nowadays I find it to be a very liberating experience to just be 100% present and real with whoever's company I share (though I admit ashamedly that it has not always been this way). But even when I'm 100% present and real in a situation, I find that I am forced to hold my tongue from time to time for various reasons. I suppose that is a good thing. Discretion is still to be valued, no?

You know what... lets take advantage of this wonderful thing called cyberspace and dream. I wonder what the world would look like if a couple arguing in the car didn't put on a smile when they arrived to the dinner party. Or if the depressed pastor didn't put on a cheery face for the congregation. Or if the lustful husband wasn't afraid to wrestle with his sexuality with complete frankness and candour with his wife and friends. *** GASP!!! Whats that you say?! Honest talk about REAL thoughts, feelings, desires?!! What next?! What next?!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second what Miroslav said...
Sue, you rock!
I think that living a lie is much easier than being honest. Much. It is hard to be vulnerable, to be exposed. Keep up the honesty, Miro and Sue. Others are watching and learning...(me included).

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:01:00 PM  

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