Monday, October 02, 2006

Straight out of O

"O, The Oprah Magazine" has a very interesting article in it this month entitled "What Adam and Eve Didn't Tell You" by Irwin Kula, 'an eighth-generation rabbi, author of the just-published Yearning: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life.' (O, October 2006, pg. 316).

Some choice snipits:

Almost along the lines of what I've been writing about this past week, and similar to the idea that "Safety can be a sort of death."

"[The mystic sages] taught that, as seductive as it is, certainty closes down possibility, curiosity, and growth. And they understood that uncertainty is the beginning of wisdom, a vital energy that propels us to more profound levels of creativity and understanding - of love, of purpose, of self."

And then a story that gives a much better picture of what I had tried to capture in my musings a while back about the necessity, no... thats not the right word, ... perhaps benefit is better, to Killing Uriah. Actually after re-reading my original "Gotta Kill Uriah..." entry for the first time in a long while, I realize that my thoughts on the subject have really progressed to an entirely different place than where I started. Perhaps, after all is said and done, every single part of life, the successes, pains, joys, and mistakes, are all just part of the journey...

"I like to imagine Adam and Eve, middle-aged, lying in bed one night. It's the anniversary of their banishment decades ago. Eve turns to Adam and asks softly, "Why did you blame me when we ate the fruit?" She realizes she's no longer afraid to hear the answer - or for there to be no clear answer. She's worn out her victim role; she's ready for a new story. And Adam is surprised to feel his heart open. He no longer needs to be certain and right at Eve's expense. His armor has been cracked by births and deaths, droughts and harvests. There's room for new light to shine through. Together he and Eve have lived through the shattering of dreams and illusions. They share a hard-earned trust and honesty they could never have imagined in their youth.
Adam says, "I ate it because I, too, wanted to discover new worlds. And then I was afraid to face what I'd done. I'm sorry." Suddenly, both of them see that withouth that fruit - without that urge to seek beyond a familiar way of being - there would have been no bed, no love, no depth of knowing each other or themselves. And without the years in between, there would have been no ripening; true intimacy and genuine wisdom would have never have been born."

Interesting stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, middle aged Adam and Eve!? They would have been Like 600 years old by then. I would hope that if I were married that long honesty wouldnt be the biggest issue in my marriage....I would have taken care of that by at least the 275 annaversery mark, possibly 295 but no later than that. But honestly, what the heck were you doing watching O. Readers digest!? How many paths must a man walk down.....

Monday, October 02, 2006 8:48:00 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...


I just KNEW somebody would give me grief for reading O. FYI, my mom and grandma are in town and so there are a alrge number of chick magazines layin' around the house that aren't normally here. What can I say, the Packers were getting destroyed on Monday Night Football and I got bored.

Monday, October 02, 2006 8:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to do a blogpost on how Oprah is America's new "pastor," mostly because I'd like to research myself just what is it she stands for and promotes (I don't watch her show but maybe once a year, and don't read the mag, so I have only heard rumors and seen the cultural affect). Anyway, here's one interesting USA TODAY article on the idea!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 7:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the link getting cut off. Let me try again:

The Divine Miss Winfrey?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 7:16:00 AM  
Blogger Miroslav said...


Great point and a great linked article!

Oprah is totally America's moral leader. How weird is that! Just the other day, I heard a 2-second audio clip on the radio from one of her early shows when she had strayed in to the Jerry Springer-esque daytime talk show model. She sounded like a typical trashy talk show host. I have to admit that I do love her shows nowadays though. And actually I found some other really good articles in this month's O magazine.

As far as what she stands for ... I seem to recall her supporting homosexuality ('to each their own' sort of thing), and I remember her saying on one of her shows that she isn't exactly sure about God, but when she is in trouble ... she prays to Jesus. No wonder she is a popular gal. Right in that gray area ... quasi-christian, quasi-humanist, quasi-confused ... just like so many of us. :)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting idea about Adam and Eve. I think that since there was no knowledge of good and evil before the forbidden fruit episode, they would have loved each other fully and with abandon because they would have had no baggage to deal with.

Getting to Oprah, I saw a comedian talking about how Oprah thinks she is Jesus and, like, whenever she cuts herself she runs to her frind Gail and says "stigmata?!?!?" and then Gail has to say "No, paper-cut"...

She did talk about when she was sued by the beef industry she prayed to "JESUS!" She kept saying "We may talk about alot of ideas but when I was in trouble I prayed to JESUS!."

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember that it only took a couple of hours after the ferboten fruit "episode" for Adam to blame his wife. They didnt have any baggage before that "episode" but they were starting to pile it on like it was going out of fasion. Speaking of fasion O was saying that the fig leaf was coming back with a vengence, did anyone hear that or was it just me? anyone...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006 1:30:00 PM  
Blogger DJ said...

I have always wondered if Oprah might be the anti-Christ. Just a thought.

She's fun not to like. Too pretentious for me I guess.

Thursday, October 05, 2006 6:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...I just read the quote thouroughly from the "eighth generation rabbi", (and why do they put that "eighth generation" stuff in there anyway, does it make him wiser or somehow more equipped to hold that office?!), the first time around I was knocked off balance by the fact that you were reading O. Pithy comments followed, blah blah blah. I would have to disagree with the good Rabbi's comments, "there would have been no bed, no love, no depth of knowing eachother or themselves. And without the years in between, there would have been no ripening; true intamacy and genuine wisdom would never have been born." I'll tell tou what I find interesting about that, did he think that there was a somehow superficial intamacy when Adam and Eve were in full fellowship with God? Enjoying their creator in a way that I can only dream of! Walking with him in the cool of the day, no fights, no misunderstandings, no hurt... Did he think that through or am I just not getting what he's saying here? True intamacy and genuine wisdom died that day when they decided that God was holding back from them. Putting pain and suffering in the context of a journey just doesent do it justice. Not till you realize that it is the result of pride can you fully appreciate and confront all that is encompased in his nice little story. Why do you think that it is interesting? I would really like to know, and please, use short comments. Bullet point it for me. Your too much of a wordsmith fo me to follow along.

Friday, October 06, 2006 5:22:00 PM  
Blogger Pam D said...

Just want you to know that I wrote a blog about you.

Sunday, October 08, 2006 5:40:00 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...


I totally have memories of you me getting home from school and you getting your weekly Oprah fix on. :) ... and now I remember where I heard that she prayed to Jesus, you told me!

I got your fig leaf right here.

An Oprah hater?! GASP!!
I go back and forth. Sometimes I like her, other times she does seem to have that feel about her like she is the all-knowing guru on every topic you can think of ... I suppose having a $50billion dollar checking account balance would do that to a person.

You again?!
* Yeah, that 8th generation thing is kinda' weird isn't it?
* You are reading the story accurately. The Rabbi seems to me to be suggesting that the type of love that was unchallenged by failures was too simple and too shallow. As Marita mentioned in her comment, that is not the typical understanding of how life looked like pre-fall.
* Why do I find it interesting?Well, I suppose because I'm a sick glutton for punishment type of person. ... Perhaps because of the trials and tribulations I've been going through this past year, I'm starting to actually appreciate the dark side of life ... that is to say, the results of pain and struggle.

Pam D,
I'm flattered! I'll post on your blog soon. I've been swamped lately.

Wake up man! This isn't highschool history class or sumpthing!

Friday, October 13, 2006 1:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE Reader's Digest!

What's wrong with Reader's Digest?!?!?!?!?!

I agree with Marita. She'll whoop me if I don't.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:55:00 PM  

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