Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lessons from the checkout line

The magazines all lined up so pretty like ... what do they tell me?

Skin Deep Pockets
1) We like beautiful people.
2) We like rich and successful people.
3) It is in that order...
4) Nice, kind, generous, and spiritual people don't get much props. They are more like a novelty item to keep it fresh.
5) We are fascinated with beautiful and rich people's lives, even though their life experience mirrors our own in most ways. They have babies, get married, get divorced, get fat, get thin, and die ... just like us.

Fat Momma'
1) We are convinvced that somewhere out there, waiting to be discovered, is some secret method (besides diet and excercise)to lose weight and bolster our health.
2) Ok. We aren't convinved of it. But we sure are gullible hoping there is an easier way.

A little to the left?
1) Our sex life leaves us wanting, and we think we are alone. "Honey, ... that missing piece to sexual fulfillment has been discovered! Look! ... The Top 10 Sex Tips to Drive Your Man Crazy! Maybe the last eighy articles they wrote on sex left something out!"

And strangely, while we pay money to see their films, buy magazines telling their stories, and buy products to make us look like them... we hate ourselves for doing so. And deeper still, inside our hearts we resent those skinny, skulpted, tanned, suposedly sexually-adept, beautiful people.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't hate them.
I am one of them.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 7:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow a celebrity Miroslav devotee! Sweet. To bad they didn't leave their name. I like it Miro, it looks like the inquisitive reasoning is cycling in your ol' noggin again. What are you doing thursday night??


Tuesday, September 05, 2006 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny timing on this post. I commented today to Ron on the receptionist at Micah's ear specialist -- I would say she was about a 3 (or less) on a 1-to-10 attractiveness scale -- and she was reading SELF magazine.

As she searched the computer for dates for our next appointment, I looked over at the magazine. The front cover had a beautiful gal who was supposedly working out (but with that much of her chest hanging out of her sports bra, I'm not sure how well she could work out). The cover stories were all on guaranteed ways to have rock-hard abs and melting fat.

I commented (to Ron, not to her) that this woman would be much better off reading a magazine or book that helped her become a more lovely woman. She needs to face the fact that she is not that gal on the front of the magazine, but she still could be a work of art. The unhappiness and discontent in her no-make-up-on face revealed the fact she is still disgruntled that she is not this other woman.

If she would focus on being better at who she is, on being a feminine woman, kind, attractive, sweet, giving, serving, loving, etc. etc. etc., she would look a lot better!! In fact, if she spent time reading magazines (or books!) that were focused on bettering others' lives instead of herSELF, she'd probably find more satisfaction.

Anyway, just funny that you posted on this today...my experience at the ear doctor had me thinking about this too.

BTW, I HATE the magazines in the front of stores. I hate them for the lies they propagate, and I hate them for the fact that they are alluring to me. I hate them for the fact that they bombard our little boys with soft-pornography at the check-out stand.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

King Miroslav,

Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

How many times have we seen or read that verse and believed God for it?

Or did we? Didn't we?? Come on??!

If nothing else, He is saying that it is better to be a woman who fears the Lord, rather than a charming one or a beautiful one.

I think that's the kicker. God is the ONLY one who can Decide something like this. This would be an unknown quantity except for that God has spoken. Kinda like this:

Acts 20:35
"...and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

Is it really? Is it really better to give than to receive? Who can know this? Who can say?

And so, either we choose to believe Him when he says so...or not...and then we pay up if we didn't trust Him the first time around.


I think I need more cowbell.

I don't know if I'm just wired differently but I couldn't care less about how 'beautiful' they are. I actually feel sorry for the pretty ones in a sense because...well, how sincere and genuine can somebody so over-the-top-pretty be? From my experience...it's pretty rare.

-Charming, Beautiful, and God-fearing Dashboard

(i said it's rare...not impossible!)

shoot...can a boy be beautiful?


Tuesday, September 05, 2006 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger Woman of Faith said...

As I have said before, some people have too much time on their hands and I am not one of them! Well I am writing here so maybe I am. Dashboard... really interesting post! Miro, it is crazy how much we are drawn to what is put out there as something that we would want to acheive. I intentionally never buy or read those mags because I know that it is feeding a part of me that I don't want to be growing. Instead I chose to feed my soul and spirit with those things that are good an right and profitable and true and beyond reproach. It is then that I find myself being a better more fulfilled individual. We really can chose to change, but it requires discipline and daily reminders of what is really satisfying.

Thursday, September 07, 2006 7:43:00 PM  

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