Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cartoon Prompts Muslim Violence

Other than the obvious (the death of innocents), what bothers me most about all of these violent protests is this:

How is it that there are these HUGE demonstrations across the globe over such a small incident as a political cartoon created by a 'infadel', while cold blooded murder by fellow Muslims in the name of Allah receive only surface-level, political statements in protest? I mean really, ... which is more deplorable?

SUPPOSEDLY, the majority of Muslims believe 9-11 and other terrorist activity to be a violation of the spirit and commandments in the Qur'an. Again and again we are told that Islam is a religion of peace. I'm not so sure. The actions of some of those who claim to be it's followers does not support that claim. (I thought about listing the actions that I'm referring to, but as I began the list... I realized it could go on for pages and pages... from suicide bombers in Israel, to the president of Iran stating he wants to wipe out the nation of Israel and the US, to the scores of violent Muslim protests that occur every year, to the terrorist attacks that are attempted in virtually every country ... and on and on and on...)

If you are a peace-loving, devout Muslim... why not protest the obviously outrageous and evil acts commited in the name of Allah?

The really scary part is this... "The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi King Miroslav,

I think you will like the following video on FOXNEWS Video Archive (Bill O'Reilly).

Go to:

then hover over 'Opinion', then '24/7 FNC', then 'O'Reilly's Talking Points'.

Click on 'VIDEO', then Click on whatever video is in there and then notice the scroll area on the left-hand side (when the video box displays).

Click on 'O'Reilly Factor' and then click on 'Cartoon Protests'.

This guy gets busted for exactly what you are saying here. Shame shame shame is all I can say...

Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:06:00 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...


Thank you...great link!

I like that somebody (Bill O'Reilly) called it out like it is. I get so tired of our media's lack of outrage at the evil actions that are done in the name of Islam.

Beheadings... sheesh.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:39:00 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

"The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion."

I have a link for you too!
A long Canadian opinion piece called It's the Demography, Stupid, The Real Reason the West is in Danger of Extinction. It's a fascinating (secular) take on why Islam is the fastest growing religion...and why the West is committing suicide.

A quote from the middle:
"...the hard data on babies around the Western world is that they're running out a lot faster than the oil is. "Replacement" fertility rate--i.e., the number you need for merely a stable population, not getting any bigger, not getting any smaller--is 2.1 babies per woman. Some countries are well above that: the global fertility leader, Somalia, is 6.91, Niger 6.83, Afghanistan 6.78, Yemen 6.75. Notice what those nations have in common?

"Scroll way down to the bottom of the Hot One Hundred top breeders and you'll eventually find the United States, hovering just at replacement rate with 2.07 births per woman. Ireland is 1.87, New Zealand 1.79, Australia 1.76. But Canada's fertility rate is down to 1.5, well below replacement rate; Germany and Austria are at 1.3, the brink of the death spiral; Russia and Italy are at 1.2; Spain 1.1, about half replacement rate. That's to say, Spain's population is halving every generation. By 2050, Italy's population will have fallen by 22%, Bulgaria's by 36%, Estonia's by 52%. In America, demographic trends suggest that the blue states ought to apply for honorary membership of the EU: In the 2004 election, John Kerry won the 16 with the lowest birthrates; George W. Bush took 25 of the 26 states with the highest. By 2050, there will be 100 million fewer Europeans, 100 million more Americans--and mostly red-state Americans."

Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:31:00 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...


Them dang Muslim baby-makers!

Bush has it all wrong. Us Westerners just need to do more baby-makin'!

Monday, February 13, 2006 7:36:00 PM  
Blogger Heather Ann said...

Uh, dude... They do speak out against it: 1, 2, 3.

That took me five minutes on Google. Do you think that every Christian in the world is up for bombing abortion clinics? Most aren't, and most Muslims aren't happy about the suicide bombings either.

Don't listen to reactionary pundits like O'Reilly. Do some research and see what the non-American non-white actual Muslim people are saying about this. Don't judge Islam on the merits of the radicals, unless we're also going to judge Christianity and America on the merits of its radicals. That ain't a pretty picture.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heather Ann,

I see you don't like Bill O'reilly. What I like about him is simply that he calls it like he sees it. Just so you know where I'm coming from, I can't stand it when somebody who is so wishy-washy in their arguments, is caught...but they deny being caught at all. On the video, Mamoun Fandy P.H.D. has been caught. I don't say this lightly or to try and make you feel stupid or ANYTHING like that. I just know when somebody has lost the argument (even when it's me!). Hear me out on this. I agree with you when you speak about judging each other's religions based on the radicals. Great argument! Point taken! You win!

What I see though, (and you have me at a disadvantage because I get lost in the whole, which country is Arab v which country is Muslim v which country is mixed and by how much, etc.)isn't just the lone radical or two, or even a hundred. I remember seeing TONS of Palestinians (men, women, and children) dancing in the streets and smiles and celebration when the USA was attacked on 9-11. Homicidal bombers are ALWAYS blowing up just regular people (like you and me) shopping for food or at a cafe or at a wedding. And the cartoon protests that ended with the embassy burnings, etc...there were TONS of protesters. There are lots of them. For me to honestly sit here and think: "No...there's just a small handful of wackos" just doesn't cut it with me. Not in my heart of hearts. I honestly (HONESTLY) don't know if you are in the minority or they are. Honestly. I'm not saying that to be a jerk.

It was refreshing for me to see (on the video) Kamal Nawash say at the very beginning: "I'm really disappointed in the comments of your guest..." He was right. I'm paraphrasing here but...Kamal was saying that those protesters should be WAY MORE CONCERNED with evil done in the name of Islam rather than directed towards these offensive cartoons. I can't argue with that.

If Miroslav will allow me, I would like to get your take on the following article by Dennis Prager:

After 'written by dennis', choose 'weekly column', and THEN you can see all the articles.

Click on the article from January 31, 2006.

When I read this, I cannot argue with any of it. I've listened to this guy on the radio off and on (more off than on due to time) for years. He's an honest guy. A good man. He's a devout Jew and prefers clarity to agreement. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But this...this damning to me. I would truly like your thoughts on this if you could. I only ask that you don't tell me something like: "Don't listen to Dennis Prager...he's a ca-ca head because of X,Y,Z." I just want to know what you truly think of the article and how it affects you.

And if you decline, hey that's cool. I mean, I'm not the boss here. King Miroslav is!!

Have a great day and week,


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! The whole thing is bollocks. The cartoons were published in some basically back-water Danish newspaper. Then, like 4 months later, at the precise time when Hamas wins an election and Iran openly announces their intention to develop nuclear technology so they can "drive the Jews into the sea", all of a sudden 4 months later, copies of these cartoons, PLUS several faked cartoons in which 'the Prophet' is depicted being raped by a dog, show up on the 'Arab street'. Along with hundreds of Danish flags ripe for the flames. Coincidence? Ya. Right.

Questions -

Who faked the cartoons in which 'the Prophet' is depicted being raped by a dog while he prays on his rug? I can only assume Islamofacists did it. If these are the cartoons these people are flipping out over, that changes things. But it seems that it was Muslims who faked these extra offensive cartoons.

Who brought all those Danish flags over to the Muslim countries? Why? Somebody planning a politically helpful flag burning party? Getting everyone fired up about something they'd never come into contact with otherwise? Why?

Isn't this just a way to incite the ever increasing hatred towards the West... all so that Islamofacist politicians/religious leaders can channel this hatred toward their own ends? Impressionable Muslims are being bamboozled by power hungry Islamofacist leaders. Isn't this the real tragedy?

Isn't this another example of the "soft bigotry of low expectations"? Publish cartoons or movies or books or sculptures or whatever, which are offensive to Christians and it is all about fighting censorship, freedom of expression, etc. etc. etc.

Publish a few lousy cartoons, which involved real and serious commentary about Islamofacism and all of sudden the West is up in arms about the need to balance "responsibility" with the freedom of expression. Why?

Two possiblities:
1) The West is damn afaid that Islamofacist crazies will kill more and more people.

2) We know that these poor stupid Muslims can't be expected to abide by the basic rules of civility. We've got to make sure we don't stir them up too much, 'cuase they don't know any better and might start blowing themselves up in rage.

I don't actually believe in #2. I'm suggesting that those in the West who are up in arms about the cartoons must implicitly believe this. They'd never admit to it.

I think we should have higher expectations upon Muslims. They do know better. They should know better. They should not expect the West to submit to Sharia law. They should not throw a hissy fit when the West doesn't.

Muslims SHOULD throw a hissy fit when Islamofacist leaders manipulate them with fake cartoons and then provide them with flags to burn, all to make a good show for Western media.

The Western reponse to all this amounts to the soft bigotry of low expectations.

So it seems to me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:35:00 AM  
Blogger Miroslav said...

Thanks for the thought. I've posted a completely new entry in response.

Love this quote from the article you referenced, "You cannot deal with any problem in life ... by engaging in wishful thinking and denying reality."

-the pilgrim-,
Interesting angle. Its such a difficult thing really.

On the one hand, if we (the United States) do nothing more make political efforts to confront the Muslim/Arab movement towards violence, it will continue to grow. They (the leaders of the vast majority of those in the Muslim faith) use our genuine desire for peace to give them time to plan and grow hate. And even if we laid out a clear pro-Muslim solution to whatever the heck the problem is (what IS the problem anyhow?!)... they would likely turn it down! (think Oslo Peace Accords or the recent sucession of Israeli settlements followed by more suicide bombing and the election of Hamas in to office!). Nuclear arms will be secured sooner than later by Iran (or some other west-hating-Muslim country/organization) and then we will have a very scary situation.

On the other hand, if we were to rush in and go to war or assasinate leaders, that will play DIRECTLY in to their hands, giving them even more ammo in their hands to use against us. (Think of years of Israel vs. Palestine here...).


You know that the goal of people like Osama bin Laden is pretty simple, right? He wants to incite the western world in to war with the Arab world. In so doing, he seeks to unify all Arab Muslims in war with the ultimate prize being world supremecy by way of domination.

So what is the solution to all this chaos?

Shall we just get all medieval and throw down and let God sort it out?

Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:26:00 AM  

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