Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Just for the record

Depression sucks.

I came back from SF after having probably my best day to date in my twenty eight years of life and was met that evening by a moderate wave of depression. For those of you who have never dealt with depression... count it as a blessing! Its the most bizarre thing in the world. Here I am one minute a happy man, thrilled to be alive and just bouncing off the walls with joy. The next minute, its like this wave knocks me down, disorients me, has me coughing up salt water... and I'm left cursing it all. Thankfully, I've learned to identify when its happening so it makes it much more managable for both myself and my wife.

This particular time I know why it happened. I've been sick for almost three weeks with an allergy/sinus/cold thang that I haven't been able to kick. So, my body is run down and tired from it. Also, when I went down to the OC a week ago or so, I forgot to take my seizure meds while there. The meds and dosage I take is pretty dang strong so whenever I miss more than one or two doses, it can screw me up. Combine those two things together and BAM: Miroslav is depressed.

Feeling a million times better today though. My family is so awesome. Have I mentioned that before? Nothing breaks through a bout with depression like homemade chicken-noodle soup, my son and daughter screaming "Dadddaaaa!" when I come home from work, and snuggling with my wife by the fire while we watch TV before bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good antidotes...don't ever "leave those at home" when you go away.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:59:00 PM  

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