Saturday, November 12, 2005

So serious it hurts... PUKE.

I went out to dinner with my crazy uncle Edo this last week. Good man, that uncle of mine. The first time we went out was about a month ago and I shared with him all that was on my heart regarding Christ and the collapse of my faith in Him. This particular uncle of mine has always been (at least in my eyes) quite serious, a bit of a hermit, and just a quiet thinker type of a guy and so I felt like I was able to trust him with some of my inner turmoil going on.

Anyhow, this second dinner of ours was equally as enjoyable as the first (from my standpoint maybe even a bit better 'cause he treated this time! SCORE!). We talked about all sorts of stuff. At one point, I had to tell him how much one of his emails meant to me... though, I don't know that he intended for the email to have such a profound effect.

My uncle is the one who turned me on to the book: "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David Burns. He suggested I read it to help resolve some of the emotional issues I was having as a result of my faith coming under no small amount of inner speculation and fire. I began reading the book and about half way through wrote my uncle my thoughts on what I had read so far. My email went on and on (all my writing does), as I poured out my heart and soul about the deeper truths and issues in the book. I wrote about how I questioned the authors "hidden agenda" of the complete relativity of truth and that I couldn't allow myself to buy in to that type of thinking. His response via email? : "Hey nephew... you are taking this WAY TOO SERIOUSLY!"

Now... you have to understand something here. That type of comment coming from my uncle hit my just about the same way it might hit a Catholic to hear the Pope say that people need "let their hair out a little bit and just let loose." Well... I've overstated my point here... but you get what I'm saying right? :)

I thought, "Sheesh... if this uncle of mine is telling me to mellow out and that I'm thinking too much... I really DO need to chill here and learn to smile a bit!!"

Later that week, as I started reading up on blogging, I ran in to blog after blog where the author thought that their words were just so heavy with purpose or turmoil or THE ANSWER. There was just this sense of SERIOUSNESS in their writing that I couldn't stand.

So all that is just to say that I don't want to do that here or in life in general. Too serious? PUKE! I hate that feeling when it hits me... and strangely its even more so painfully obvious when I see it in others.

As far as this blog goes: I'm just talkin' here... just me... : a twenty-sumpthin white man, husband, father, small business owner in Northern California tryin' to find a bit of peace.

And as far as life in general, I don't want to be all serious and a downer either, ya know? (Which I HAVE BEEN for such a long time.) I want to learn to live life to the fullest extent possible while not being injurious to myself, those close to me that I love, or my fellow man. (Don't go quoting me on that as my life's stated purpose or anything now...)

Hmmm... maybe that is a good subject for the next entry: What am I hoping to find after all this soul searching?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The correct spelling is Edo, after Richard's parakeet.

Sunday, November 13, 2005 2:17:00 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...

Ah... thank you kind sir! Spelling corrected!

Sunday, November 13, 2005 4:48:00 PM  

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