Sunday, November 06, 2005

For the record?

I ask myself a question, "Why blog?" I answer, "Just cuz. I mean... Hey, you've always wanted to do a diary but used the excuse of bad handwriting... Now, you can do the techno diary thang." Ok, good enough for me.

There are some other reasons though. I'm discovering that, at least in this moment in time, I have a lot of thoughts racing through my head. I need a place to vent, to struggle, to rage. Some way of expressing all that goes on in this life/mind/heart of mine that doesn't demand a response from anybody.

My poor wife. If I can barely hold up under all this, how in the world does she do it? She has done such a great job loving me and listening and helping me work through it all. God bless her.

So, there you have it.

Chances are... if you are here, its most likely that you have been invited to be. Enjoy the spectacle of madness that is my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...well said. You are not the first to walk this path...look closely enough and you will see the barefoot prints of your (former) Bible heroes.

Now take a few pages and list all of the good that is in your life. Take the same amount of time that you have taken to so clearly and well defined the place you are at today.

It is the goodness of the Lord that brings a man to a changed viewpoint...(repentance)

Look forward to reading it!

Your biggest fan

PS. It was way past time to leave!

Saturday, November 12, 2005 4:18:00 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...

hey pops... you are the first to comment on my blog! Congrats!

I agree with at least two of your points for sure, and the middle point I'll leave as a "maybe" in my heart for the moment. ; )

Certainly it is true that braver, more intelligent, and stronger men then myself have walked a similar path as the one I am on now. Some of them have found peace and clarity in Christ, and some of them deny having ever been convinced of Him.

And I agree fo' sho' it was time to go!

Much luv to you from your ghetto-heathen-son,

Saturday, November 12, 2005 6:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The second "point" was not a was a strong suggestion.

I want to see your list of the good that is yours. (This isn't a trick or a trap....)

Your lov'n dad, always...

Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:10:00 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...

no no... I'm with you on that. What I meant to say was that at this particular moment in time, I can't say wholeheartedly that I agree that "It is the goodness of the Lord that brings a man to repentance." (This said dispite the fact I know its in the Bible.) For, you see, my challenge then lies with those that do NOT come to repentance. If we give God the glory for the one, doesn't he also shoulder responsibility for the other?

I'm getting to the happy stuff in my blog... just wait and see, more good nice stuff to come.

Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:28:00 PM  

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