Monday, July 31, 2006

Laugh with me, not at me

I belted out the proverbial LOL when I clicked on Buy It Now....

Item #180011851894
Item Title - Men's Rogaine
Quantity - 4 month supply Ocean Rush Scent
Price - $25.99 USD

Has anybody else out there used this stuff??!?!!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

What are the chances...

...of a bird having its,*ahem*, time of it's month... at the precise moment it flies above my windshield?


Friday, July 28, 2006


Ra ra ra... off we go to war!

I wonder if this is how things were back when the Nazis were doing there thing and the world looked on. I wonder if people picked apart all of the actions of the yet-to-be-Allied nations, and lavished liberal grace upon the extremists.

I hear it now in the passionate plea of the left as they wage their own war against the fabric of the United States. "Those poor Hezbollah and Hamas. Poor, underprivlidged Arabs. Those misunderstood Muslims. How sad... If only the world would give them the opportunity they deserve. Then we would see what peace loving people they really are."

But seriously folks, if only our interests weren't so wrapped up in oil. It would be such a clearer picture really. But oh how we would suffer without the precious barrels of oil that are so kindly delivered to us each day at the mere cost of one Israeli murder victim each.

I say let the nukes fly and let God sort us out.

Or something like that. I wish my brain wasn't so screwed up here on the fringes of WWIII. I might actually have an opinion worth defending.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Random Musing #1 - Radio Romantica
Sometimes I find myself so deep in thought while driving in the car that I 'snap to' and realize that I've been listening to some gawd-awful-Spanish-speaking-radio-station for the past thirty minutes. Is it just me? (quite possibly the case, given that my dear wife has the radio pre-programmed to a few of them stations due to her love for the ol' Mexican music from her childhood.)

Random Musing #2 - Losin' It
My arch rival in business came up to me a couple weeks back on a business trip and said, "Hey there... looks like a little balding, eh?" I thought to myself, "What an idiot." Turns out the bastard was right.
I was in the Nordstroms dressing room this last week, surrounded by mirrors when I noticed that his doom and gloom prediction was based on very real, verifiable thinning on the back of my cranium. So now I'm wondering why he had to be the first to notify me, and I realize that I'm just too tall for most people to see it. Thus began my research in to men's hair saving shampoo, Rogaine. Does the stuff work? The first guy I talked to about it said that he actually starting losing clumps of hair after his first wash with the stuff. That made me nervous.

Random Musing #3 - Gainin' It
Why is it that the inevitable 5 - 10 pounds that we are always trying to lose shows up in the exact spot that we wish it wouldn't? I swear my face looks 5 pounds heavy today. Grrr... I carry all my extra weight right on my big ol' nugget on top of my neck. It sucks.

Random Musing #4 - Mizaru, Kikazaru, Iwazaru
What is up with those cute little quirky "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys that you see people use as decorations? Its kinda' like the little Budha statues that you see around (but at least the Budha statues stand for something ... they symbolize SOMETHING, ya know? ... althought I suppose even that is debatable). Them crazy little monkeys ... sure, they are cute, but what do the MEAN for cryin' out loud?
Last night my wife and I were treated to dinner by some church friends and as we left their house I asked them why they so proudly displayed the three little monkeys on their front lawn. "No reason. Just cute." Stuff like that really gets at me. So, of course, I obsessed over it this morning and Wikied it. Even more confused now.

Random Musing #5 - New Book
Done with "Soul Survivor" by Phillip Yancey. New book being read ... "Aloft" by Chang-Rae Lee. Weirdest book I've ever read, but not wholly unenjoyable. Just a very odd, random book.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Trouble in Paradise

Beautiful blue skies, a roaring ocean, sandy beaches ... they seemed to mock the chaos that was this last weekend.

Can life long friendships be broken?
Are there some relationships that perservere despite repeated abuses?

Will he ever change?
Will she ever learn?

Will I?

to hope,
to thrice shattered dreams,
to disbelief,
to compassion,
to frustration,
to anger,
to disgust,
to revulsion,
to numbness,
to sadness
and so I find myself today quite tired.

"get me off this crazy thing... called love." - Charlie Mackenzie

"Deep Thoughts" from Saturday Night Live ...